Increase Trust with Clarip Privacy Certification

Build Trust with Clarip's Privacy and Engagement platform and increase online conversions.
It is hard to know when your potential customers and site visitors don't trust you. The rise of social media and smart phones has brought the privacy issue to limelight like never before. Consumers are concerned about their privacy, and are growing more and more skeptical about companies’ privacy policies. They find it hard to trust companies, after seeing the media coverage on privacy issues related to the social media giants. Consumers have more than 25 apps on their mobile phones yet they are active only on a handful of them. Research has shown, they use ad blockers and turn off location tracking more often than retailers tend to think. Consumers care about privacy, BUT are also very social. It is possible you can strike the balance between respecting their privacy and offering better products and services. Clarip helps retailers, online merchants and consumer goods companies, to manage customer privacy and preferences.

Independent studies show on average 71% or more of website visitors expect to see third-party trust seals or privacy seals while browsing or shopping online.

Clarip Privacy Certification Program
Clarip privacy certification includes a comprehensive and proven set of processes to ensure your privacy practices meet applicable regulatory and industry standards. We have developed a unique set of privacy frameworks and standards – which will form as the basis for our certification, against which we evaluate and certify any company’s privacy practices. Our standards are based on our mission to give clarity, promote transparency, accountability and choice in the collection and use of personal data. Certified companies that display our privacy seal demonstrate compliance with our standards and their commitment to clarity and transparency and privacy protection.

Start with Simplification! Clarip allows you to address consumer's most common concerns head on. What’s good for your customers is good for you. It can't be any other way. They need to see transparency and clarity. Transparency brings more trust, resulting in the following :

Privacy Commitment

Privacy Best Practices
To begin with we supply you with industry best practices and guidelines document on privacy, to help you establish a better privacy policy for your organization.


If you currently do not have a privacy policy, we help you craft one. If your privacy terms is a lengthy complicated legal document, our algorithms will simplify that, and bring clarity.


Privacy Policy Scanning
We scan your privacy policy. We make sure your privacy policy meets our guidelines. Any good privacy policy should be free from errors and should help your organization protect itself.


Privacy Policy Fix
We help you fix your privacy policy. We help develop the core statements that should be present in your privacy policy, in order to get approved for a Clarip privacy seal.


Increasing Conversions
One key factor in increasing the conversion rate of your website, is proper placement of the Clarip Privacy Seal. A conversion expert will review your website layouts, your landing pages and your microsites, and help your identify proper seal placement on those pages and show you methodologies that gain more leads or online sales.


Hosted Privacy Policy
Take Compliance to the next level. Our privacy program includes hosting your privacy policy on our data repository / cloud. We can ensure continued certification and use premium bandwidth to deliver the contents, while maintaining seamless integration with the Privacy Seal. Allows you to gain additional consumer trust!


Security and Peace of Mind
Gain peace of mind, since our program requirements streamline your legal compliance with some of the federal requirements. Our requirements force upfront disclosure on key items, allowing you to protect your company's interests.


Dispute Resolution
Our privacy program includes an online dispute resolution portal, where you get to view complaints from consumers and resolve them in a timely manner. A happy customer equals less headaches and legal troubles!


Affordable Pricing
Unlike other privacy programs that cost several thousands in the name of "assessments" and "consulting services", the Clarip Privacy program is affordable and comes with unlimited page impressions! Our SaaS based privacy platform for a basic plan starts only just $495 per year!


More Customers
The Clarip Privacy seal helps you get more customers and increase your revenues. Get the Seal that produces real results, but one that doesn't cost you too much.


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