Whether you are browsing the web, or ordering pizza, or using some of your mobile apps, or texting your friends, or checking social media - your activities and behavior are tracked by brands. That free app or service you thought is free, is not entirely free. Somewhere it is being monetized. Your data is often sold without your knowledge or consent.
Even for legitimate business reasons, when companies share personal data, they are required by law to disclose and obtain consent. Burying that in a lengthy legal document is not helping the consumer.
Its no wonder no one reads them. Plus, its practically impossible to go to 100s of different brands you encounter in your life and assess their legal terms. You can probably get a law degree faster!
What's probably not well known, is the fact that you are being targeted for ads and services, when you are the most vulnerable. Even your insurance premiums go up based on certain activities. Plus, you risk being the victim of identity theft, whenever there is a data breach. The consumer is helpless and left in the dark for too long.
Clarip's technology brings the power of big data to Consumers. Its time to get educated and understand what is happening with your personal data and who is tracking you and who has access to your sensitive information! In fact, our platform is based on these 2 core principles when it comes to personal data and its use.
1. Right To Know
2. Freedom to Choose
Using our patent pending technology, we bring clarity and transparency to consumers and help them easily understand the privacy practices and terms of companies. You no longer need to blindly click "I Agree" without reading! We help brands communicate better, engage customers and build trust! Simply put, we democratize data privacy!